SK Telecom, Octacto and ID Quantique unveil the world’s first fingerprint recognition security key equipped with a quantum random number generator (QRNG)
The solution called “EzQuant” was jointly developed by SK Telecom, (NYSE:SKM), Korea’s Telecom giant, Octatco, a biometric authentification start-up, and ID Quantique, the world leader in Quantum-Safe security, to overcome authentication vulnerabilities. It provides the highest level of security for Fintech businesses, banks, credit card providers and companies wanting to protect their assets and services. Biometric security keys with quantum technology are expected to be used also in defense, online administration, and smart offices in the future.
“EzQuant” is a combination of quantum technology with a card-type fingerprint security key based on fast identity online (FIDO), a technology that performs personal authentication using biometric technology (such as fingerprints) without ID or password in an online environment. It can be used to enter the office with near-field communication (NFC) function and can be linked to PC login, in-house groupware, enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM), etc. through fingerprint authentication.
ID Quantique’s ultra-small Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG) chip was chosen to overcome the limitations of current random number generation techniques by providing true randomness based on quantum effects. When using a Quantum RNG, one is 100% sure that the outcome is truly random and unlike Pseudo RNGs which need to accumulate external entropy, one is also sure to get full entropy (randomness) instantaneously from the very first photon (bit).
“EzQuant” is the world’s first product to pass the “Global FIDO Interoperability Test” organized by the FIDO Global Alliance, a non-profit organization that develops and promotes authentication standards to help reduce over-reliance on passwords.
The solution is available in all web authentication services that offer FIDO authentication services, Windows Hello and NFC function. It can be used for certification for MS Office 365, Azure Cloud, Google Gmail, YouTube, Facebook, and Salesforce.

We are planning to expand more service models in global markets that require strong authentication such as financial services, defense, online administration, and smart offices through business cooperation with ADT Caps, a security subsidiary.
Min-Yong Ha, Head of Innovation Suite at SK Telecom
Financial and online security are mass market applications with an increasing need for security to the edge. Our embedded QRNG technology provides full entropy instantly thus guaranteeing the highest level of trust to customers.
Sangyun Uhm, Operations and Country manager at ID Quantique Korea
About ID Quantique
Founded in 2001 as a spin-off of the Group of Applied Physics of the University of Geneva, ID Quantique is the world leader in quantum-safe crypto solutions, designed to protect data for the future. The company provides quantum-safe network encryption, secure quantum key generation and Quantum Key Distribution solutions and services to the financial industry, enterprises and government organizations globally. IDQ’s quantum random number generator has been validated according to global standards and independent agencies, and is the reference in highly regulated and mission critical industries – such as security, encryption, critical infrastructure and IoT – where trust is paramount.
Additionally, IDQ is a leading provider of optical instrumentation products, most notably photon counters and related electronics. The company’s innovative photonic solutions are used in both commercial and research applications.
IDQ’s products are used by government, enterprise and academic customers in more than 60 countries and on every continent. IDQ is proud of its independence and neutrality, and believes in establishing long-term and trusted relationships with its customers and partners.
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Catherine Simondi – VP Marketing & Communication or +41 (0) 22 301 83 71