Synchronous and Asynchronous Single-Photon Detection at Telecom Wavelengths. Compact, cost effective, noise < 200 Hz
Synchronous and Asynchronous Single-Photon Detection at Telecom Wavelengths. Compact, cost effective, noise < 200 Hz
Alexander Lohrmann, Aileen Zhai, and Makan Mohageg
Lorenzo Stasi, Towsif Taher, Giovanni V. Resta, Hugo Zbinden, Rob Thew, Félix Bussières
Luca Corradin, Gabriel Thiebaut, Gaëtan Gras, Félix Bussières, Jérôme Extermann, and Enrico Pomarico
We explore the role of single-photon detectors in advancing quantum technologies, with a focus on superconducting nanowire detectors (SNSPDs) and the benefits they offer for quantum computing and high-speed quantum communication.
Quantum Key Distribution designed for academia, research institutes and innovation labs, with the option to use external detectors for evaluation or long distance links
Quantum Key Distribution designed for academia, research institutes and innovation labs
Intuitive, rack-mountable system designed for reliability and ease-of-use
Jelena V. Rakonjac, Samuele Grandi, Sören Wengerowsky, Dario Lago-Rivera, Félicien Appas, and Hugues de Riedmatten
Ben Amies-King, Karolina P. Schatz, Haofan Duan, Ayan Biswas, Jack Bailey, Adrian Felvinti, Jaimes Winward, Mike Dixon, Mariella Minder, Rupesh Kumar, Sophie Albosh, Marco Lucamarini
Watch Dr Michal Parniak from The Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies QOT, University of Warsaw talk about the counting of microwave photons through upconversion based on room-temperature Rydberg atoms.
In this webinar, we introduced very briefly, QKD and present the state of the art of the technology. In the second part of the webinar, we also presented new, extremely fast SNSPDs, especially designed for QKD and demonstrate extremely high secret key rates over short distances.
In this short video Félix Bussières, VP Research and Technology at ID Quantique, discusses two innovative approaches to photon-number resolution and ultrafast detection using SNSPDs. Topics include characterization of these devices’ PNR performance and recovery times, IDQ’s related product offerings, and applications to improved heralded single-photon sources and high key-rate QKD.
Lorenzo Stasi, Gaëtan Gras, Riad Berrazouane, Matthieu Perrenoud, Hugo Zbinden, and Félix Bussières
Rebecka Sax, Alberto Boaron, Gianluca Boso, Simone Atzeni, Andrea Crespi, Fadri Grünenfelder, Davide Rusca, Aws Al-Saadi, Danilo Bronzi, Sebastian Kupijai, Hanjo Rhee, Roberto Osellame, and Hugo Zbinden
In this on-demand webinar, Dr. Walid Redjem, postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, presents the recent breakthroughs in the study of single artificial atoms in silicon.
Sofiane Merkouche, Valérian Thiel, and Brian J. Smith, Physical Review A 105, no. 2 (2022): 023708
Julien Gasser, Daryl Warpelin, Félix Bussières, Jérôme Extermann, and Enrico Pomarico, Optics Express 30, no. 5 (2022): 6768-6777
Mingwei Jin, Neil MacFarlane, Zhaohui Ma, Yongmeng Sua, Mark A. Foster, Yuping Huang, and Amy C. Foster, arXiv:2208.13955 (2022)
Jelena V. Rakonjac, Giacomo Corrielli, Dario Lago-Rivera, Alessandro Seri, Margherita Mazzera, Samuele Grandi, Roberto Osellame, and Hugues de Riedmatten, arXiv:2201.03361 (2022)
Stanisław Kurzyna, Marcin Jastrzębski, Nicolas Fabre, Wojciech Wasilewski, Michał Lipka, and Michał Parniak, arXiv:2207.14049 (2022)
Yoann Pelet, Yoann, Grégory Sauder, Mathis Cohen, Laurent Labonté, Olivier Alibart, Anthony Martin, and Sébastien Tanzilli, arXiv:2207.14707 (2022)
L. Heller, J. Lowinski, K. Theophilo, A. Padrón-Brito, and H. de Riedmatten, Physical Review Applied 18, no. 2 (2022): 024036
DB Higginbottom, ATK Kurkjian, C Chartrand, M Kazemi, NA Brunelle, ER MacQuarrie, JR Klein, NR Lee-Hone, J Stacho, M Ruether, C Bowness, L Bergeron, A DeAbreu, SR Harrigan, J Kanaganayagam, DW Marsden, TS Richards, LA Stott, S Roorda, KJ Morse, MLW Thewalt and S Simmons, Nature 607, no. 7918 (2022): 266-270
Rushin Contractor, Wanwoo Noh, Walid Redjem, Wayesh Qarony, Emma Martin, Scott Dhuey, Adam Schwartzberg, and Boubacar Kanté, Nature 608, 692–698 (2022)
Erik Fitzke, Lucas Bialowons, Till Dolejsky, Maximilian Tippmann, Oleg Nikiforov, Thomas Walther, Felix Wissel, and Matthias Gunkel, PRX Quantum 3, no. 2 (2022): 020341.
M. Avesani, L. Calderaro, M. Schiavon, A. Stanco, C. Agnesi, A. Santamato, M. Zahidy, A. Scriminich, G. Foletto, G. Contestabile and M. Chiesa, npj Quantum Information 7, no. 1 (2021): 1-8
Davide Scalcon, Costantino Agnesi, Marco Avesani, Luca Calderaro, Giulio Foletto, Andrea Stanco, Giuseppe Vallone, and Paolo Villoresi, arXiv:2111.13383 (2021)
Francesco Albarelli, Mateusz Mazelanik, Michał Lipka, Alexander Streltsov, Michał Parniak, and Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański, Physical Review Letters 128, no. 24 (2022): 240504
In this webinar, Eleni Diamanti, CNRS Research Director at the LIP6 laboratory at Paris-Sorbonne, and Vice Director of the Paris Centre for Quantum Computing, explores some of the advantages in security and computational efficiency from the use of quantum resources, with useful applications in the context of quantum networks, including quantum cryptographic tasks and quantum communication complexity.
In this use case, we explore the work of the Institut de Physique de Nice, EPFL, and the XLIM Institute as they use high-performance photonic entanglement sources, for applications from scalable quantum computing to material characterization in manufacturing next-gen photonic devices.
Count more, post-process less and react faster to single-photon experiments, with this all-in-one time-tagging, coincidence correlation and delay/pulse generation system.
Whether for quantum communication, bio-sensing, eye-safe LiDAR, or fluorescence lifetime imaging, the art of counting single photons is no simple task. Join us for the next installation in our DIY workshop series.
Part 2 in the Quantum Relay series. In this workshop, Dr Martin Felle explores some of the schemes for building a Quantum Relay, including the necessary components and sub-systems, and some of the technical challenges you will encounter along the way.
In this webinar, Sofiane Merkouche, PhD Candidate at the Oregon Center for Optical, Molecular and Quantum Science (University of Oregon) shows one way of harnessing the high-dimensional nature of TF entanglement. He presents a TF entanglement swapping experiment where frequency-resolved Bell-state measurements are used to herald a multitude of frequency-encoded Bell states, using readily-available multimode parametric down conversion sources.
In this workshop, Dr Martin Felle explores some of the schemes for building a Quantum Relay, including the necessary components and sub-systems, and some of the technical challenges you will encounter along the way.
The ID1000 Time Controller Series: an all-in-one time-tagging, coincidence correlation and delay/pulse generation system. Count more, post-process less and react faster to your single-photon experiments.
All-in-one time-tagging, coincidence correlation and delay/pulse generation
In this workshop, Dr. Martin Felle from ID Quantique looks at the second- and third-order correlation functions of Quantum Optics, and how to measure them.
The challenge of high-speed single-photon counting: a novel superconducting detector design demonstrating order-of-magnitude improvements, to detect single photons at rates over 200 MHz while maintaining the best-in-class performance of SNSPD systems.
This webinar, presented by Prof. Hugo Zbinden, explores the development of the detector technology that has allowed quantum communication to leave the lab and reach the world of practical QKD.
In this webinar, we explore the technology of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors, as well as the key scientific applications and emerging technologies they enable, and the benefits therein.
Find out more about our new versatile, robust and low-jitter picosecond pulsed series of laser sources, the ID 3000.
In this webinar, Dr. Enrico Pomarico, HEPIA, Geneva, will describe how high-efficiency SNSPDs can be used to measure temperature profiles of with a cm-scale spatial resolution using standard single-mode optical fibers.
When light is detected at single-photon level, how do you define detector measurement performance? This is even more important when detectors can approach 100% quantum efficiency, which is the case for superconducting nanowire single-photon detection (SNSPD).
In this webinar, we describe a method at the heart of many applications: time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) and how it is used in near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy (FLS).
In partnership with DLR, the German Aerospace Center, this webinar will present a new and compact IC inspection system for benchmarking security ICs.
In this webinar, we cover advanced techniques to characterise multi-photon quantum interference and entanglement in an actual experiment using integrated photonics.
Synchronous and Asynchronous Single-Photon Detection at Telecom Wavelengths
Turnkey multi-channel solution with high detection efficiency detectors and timing electronics
Time-tagging, delay and pattern generation
Everything you always wanted to know about photon counting.
The extreme performance of the ID230 single-photon detector allows scientists and engineers to characterize optical fibers and networks with an accuracy unachievable by traditional means. Defects are visible on the centimeter scale, fiber spans of 200 km can be characterized, as well as multimode devices and connectors.
Cost-effective module for asynchronous single-photon detection at telecom wavelengths
Free-running InGaAs/InP photon counter with extremely low dark count
This application note describes the use of an ID100 single-photon detector module for the measurement of light scattered by particles. By analysing the fluctuation on the scattered intensity, it is possible to evaluate the particle size.
This application note describes the use of an ID100 single-photon detector module to perform fluorescence lifetime measurements.
Cost-Effective Module for Asynchronous Single-Photon Detection at Telecom Wavelengths
Advanced system for single-photon detection with 100 MHz gated mode and free-running mode
High quantum efficiency at 800nm large active area 500μm
Miniature photon counter for OEM applications
High timing resolution and low dark count rate
This application note demonstrates the flexibility of the free-running ID220 detectors; they allow for the detection of both CW and pulsed downconverted photons, as well as time-multiplexed coincidence measurements.
This article describes experiments studying the variation of the instrument response function (IRF) with the count rate and the timing drift for a Becker&Hickl SPC-140 TCSPC module and a number of commonly used single-photon detectors, including the ID100-20.
8 Channel Time to Digital Converter
Antibunching measurements with InGaAs SPAD detectors are faced with the problems of high background count rate, afterpulsing, and the requirement to gate the SPADs. This application note describes how anti-bunching measurements can be performed by using pulsed excitation and gated detection. Possible problems of the principle are discussed and hints for the buildup of suitable experiments are given.
We describe picosecond time-resolved optical signal recording in the spectral range from 900 nm to 1700 nm. The system consists of an ID Quantique ID220 InGaAs SPAD, a bh SPC-150 TCSPC device, and a B&H BDS-SM 1064 nm ps diode laser.
The purpose of this application note is to compare secret key generation rates of our MDI-QKD system when being operated with standard ID200, and newer and more performant ID210 InGaAs-avalanche photodiode-based SPDs. When using the ID210 detectors, we find a fivefold increase in key rate for a distance of 60 km between users, and the possibility to distribute secret keys over longer distances.
Matthieu Perrenoud, Misael Caloz, Emna Amri, Claire Autebert, Christian Schönenberger, Hugo Zbinden and Félix Bussières Supercond. Sci. Technol. 34 (2021) 024002
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