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Why Quantum Technologies Matter in Critical Infrastructure and IoT

As devices and systems in our critical infrastructures become ever more interconnected, it is increasingly important to ensure that they have adequate cryptographic protections.

A nation’s critical infrastructure provides the essential services that underpin our society and serve as the backbone of our country’s economy, security and health. In most countries critical infrastructure comprises a number of sectors, with criticality being highest in electricity and water supply, banks, road and rail transport, telecommunications and information technologies. Defense of the country depends in a large part on protecting such assets, systems and networks, which underpin our liberal democracy and civilization.

This is particularly challenging – yet even more essential – given the potential scalability of the attack vectors in this hyper-connected world.

Action is required now, both to ensure current security, but also to prepare upgrade paths for future technology advances.

This paper, from IDQ’s Kelly Richdale, written for DefTech (armasuisse), reviews how the emergence of new quantum technologies will impact IoT cryptographic security – both creating in new threat vectors, such as a quantum computer, as well as providing some immediate solutions.

Download the full paper here.


About Defence Future Technologies (DefTech)

The aim of the Technology Foresight research program is to identify disruptive technology trends. It will assess their implications within a military context and indicate possible consequences for the Swiss Armed Forces. Armasuisse Science and Technology is contributing to the identification of future technologies that may significantly change the military environment. Identifying potentially disruptive technology trends in good time will allow risks affecting developments and planning for the armed forces to be addressed in a timely manner. This requires the continuous pursuit and evaluation of research activity across a variety of technology areas.

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