Webinar Replay: Quantum-Safe Power Grids
Watch and re-watch our latest webinars, to provide you with current progress in the field of Quantum-Safe Security.
The energy and utilities market has become increasingly aware of the need for quantum-safe technology. As early entrants, ID Quantique and Hitachi-ABB Power Grids are excellently positioned as cybersecurity innovators, helping to digitally transform utilities’ networks.
In this webinar we address various use cases of mission critical markets for quantum-safe encryption and in particular how Quantum technologies can be leveraged today to secure the power grid for the long term future.
Find out how:
- IDQ and Hitachi-ABB Power Grids are meeting the challenges of securing utilities’ networks
- The unique challenges associated with command and control networks for critical infrastructure
- How quantum technologies can be used to provide long-term data network security in a post-quantum computing world