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Quantum Detection Solutions for the Automotive Industry

V2X (vehicle-to-everything) refers to a smart, holistic ecosystem where all vehicles and their surrounding infrastructure are interconnected.

V2X communication is the passing of information from a vehicle to any entity that may affect the vehicle and vice versa. It is a vehicular communication system that incorporates other more specific types of communication as V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure), V2N (vehicle-to-network), V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle), V2P (vehicle-to-pedestrian), V2D (vehicle-to-device) and V2G (vehicle-to-grid). The main motivations for V2X are road safety, traffic efficiency, and energy savings.

While the move to this system is driven by advances in computing and communication technologies, the automotive industry must also protect itself against an evolving threat landscape and the impending quantum age.

ID Quantique’s range of quantum sensors and quantum-safe security solutions are key to resolving V2X safety and cybersecurity issues.

LiDAR (Long-Range)

LiDAR, a method of detecting and ranging an object by reflected light, is moving out of the lab and becoming a vital part of sensors in autonomous vehicles. Technology startups and automakers alike are racing to develop competitive LiDAR in time.

ID Quantique’s single-photon detector with high-resolution time tagging solution achieves long-range, highly accurate LiDAR, even in poor weather conditions.

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Secure Communication & 5G Networks

The proliferation of technologies embedded in connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV’s) increases the potential of cyber-attacks. Communication between vehicles and the V2X infrastructure can be intercepted and exploited if these networks are not properly protected.

The automotive industry needs to protect itself against an evolving threat landscape and the impending quantum age. ID Quantique’s quantum-safe cryptography solutions can be used to secure car safety systems against cyber-attacks that could threaten people’s lives.

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