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Report: Practical Considerations and Use Cases for Quantum Random Number Generators

In recent years there has been a proliferation in the number of cyberattacks, and as a result there is a heightened awareness of their negative impact on economies and society. This is leading to a greater recognition of the value of designing future-proofed cyber-resilience for platforms and systems.

Good randomness is a key element required for building and operating a safer and more reliable network. At IDQ, we advocate the use of quantum as a source of randomness. Quantum Random Number Generators (or QRNGs) are becoming important building blocks for cybersecurity. A recent report by our friends and colleagues at EvolutionQ presents practical considerations and use cases for QRNGs. This is a complete and well-researched report. It covers many important technical aspects and suggests practical solutions and use cases. This report will be of interest for anybody looking for solutions to improve the security of networks and transactions.

However, we do have some reservations about some of the conclusions. In the report, EvolutionQ explains that QRNGs will be used mainly for high-valued applications. They emphasize one high-end implementation, known as Device-Independent QRNG (or DI-QRNG), which should provide certifiable randomness. For more mundane applications, the randomness provided by the processors would offer “good enough” randomness, at a very low cost.

Based on the recent development of a QRNG chip, which has already found its way into smartphones, we believe that it is now possible to offer better randomness, still at a very low cost. QRNG chips could be integrated in almost all devices, such as smartphones, connected cars, IoTs, computers… Quantum security should not be restricted to high-end devices, but will soon be available everywhere.

A recent report from IQT validates this idea, and optimistically forecasts a market of 7.2 B$ already in 2026.

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