Latest from our Labs: Parallel-pixel SNSPDs for Ultrafast and Photon-Number-Resolved Detection
Working in Parallel
Standard superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SNSPD) designs can only detect the presence or absence of photons, and their performance is limited by the photon pile-up effect, often limiting their performance to detection rates of tens of MHz at best.
An innovative solution is found in the parallel-pixel detectors of IDQ’s ID281 Superconducting Nanowire Series. In these devices (patent pending), an array of SNSPDs are connected in parallel to a single readout circuit. Here, single photons are much less likely to pile up at one pixel, and more than one photon can be resolved in a single detection event. All while benefitting from SNSPDs’ near-ideal detection efficiency, unparalleled timing precision, ultra-low noise, and broadband operation, and the ID281’s true latch-free operation.

Photon-number-resolved detection
Discriminate up to 8 photons at a time with each 8-pixel ID281 detector (also available in a 4-pixel design), with up to 16 such detectors in a single ID281 system.
Paired with the picosecond-precise time-tagging and advanced coincidence filtering of the ID1000 Time Controller Series, users can easily characterize the photon-number statistics in their experiments and applications, and even perform single-shot rejections of unwanted multi-photon events.

Excellent for use with ultra-precise LiDAR, high-performance single-photon sources and photonic quantum computing applications.

Ultrafast single-photon detection
Count photons faster than ever before! With these parallel-pixel SNSPDs, IDQ have demonstrated huge improvements in the maximum single-photon detection rate over standard SNSPDs, comfortably achieving recovery times below 10 ns while maintaining true latch-free operation. Ideal for quantum information applications with single-photon rates between 10 MHz to 50 MHz and beyond.
Figure 2: System Detection Efficiency (SDE), Dark Count Rate and Recovery Time measurements from a single example 4-pixel ID281 SNSPD.
Figure 3: Recovery time measurement for the same 4-pixel SNSPD, the time taken for the detector to exceed and stay above 50% of its maximum SDE subsequent to a detection event.
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