Latest from our Labs: Faster SNSPDs, 24/7 operation and even better timing precision
Innovation driving improved performance
Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) represent the very best in single-photon detection, with near-ideal detection efficiency, unparalleled timing precision, ultra-low noise, and broadband operation.
As part of IDQ’s ongoing commitment to quality and performance, we are proud to show you results of our latest R&D efforts to further improve our SNSPD offering. In particular, here we present work based on a new set of processes and detector designs, providing enhanced timing precision, even faster single-photon counting, and continuous 24/7 system operation.

Ultrafast single-photon detection
Shortening the recovery time—the period after a detection event in which the detector is ‘blind’—is the key to unlocking higher count rates, to levels practical for scalable quantum communication and photonic quantum computing architectures.
Our new-and-improved processes were used in the fabrication of a set of multi-pixel detectors. Each pixel has a recovery time as low as 4.5 ns, giving us groundbreaking single-photon count rates above 1.6 GHz for a 14-pixel detector.
Best-in-class timing precision
Our SNSPDs have always been ultra-precise, but it gets even better, thanks to our new designs and processes. Reducing the timing jitter is key in resolving ever-smaller gaps in space and time, and maximizing the interference visibility required for advanced high-rate quantum communication and computing schemes.
In our multi-pixel SNSPD design, we obtain timing jitter as low as 20.7 ps FWHM, with an average of 22.4±1.8 ps across 14 pixels.
Round-the-clock operation
The ID281 system is equipped with a sorption unit to reach temperatures of 0.8 K, favourable for long-term detector performance. Operation of the sorption unit requires approximately one hour to recycle its helium supply, once per 24 to 40-hour (or sometimes longer) period.
With our new processes, sorption-free cooling with uninterrupted 24/7 operation becomes possible. This enables exciting new modes of operation for a wider range of extended-duration experiments, such as field-deployed quantum communication or optical quantum computing.
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