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IDQ launches a new quantum sensing webinar series

Our new series of quantum sensing webinars will be based on ‘the quest for the perfect detector – single-photon detection solutions and applications’

Since Albert Einstein “discovered” the photon in 1905, the quantum nature of light has revolutionised how ultra-sensitive detectors could be imagined. This started a quest for the perfect detector that has been taking place throughout the 20th century, and still goes on today.

From the progress in solid-state technologies to the more recent introduction of superconducting nanowires, photon-counting detectors are asymptotically trending towards the performance of the perfect detector, characterised by Detection Efficiency = 1, Dark Count rate (False Detections) = 0, ultra-high timing precision and no dead time after a detection.

ID Quantique has pioneered near infrared single-photon detection by introducing the first commercially available InGaAs based single-photon detectors back in 2002.

Since then, ID Quantique’s product range of detectors and photon counting solutions has been largely extended to offer a large variety of solutions for many applications ranging from QKD to biosensing and LiDAR. We continue to improve our superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPD) as a commitment to our quest for the perfect detector.

Join us for our new series of webinars on recent developments in single-photon detection and show you how close you can get from the perfect detector.

Webinar 1: Mastering photonics at the single-photon level

Date: April 15, 2020, 4pm CEST

Interested to learn more about how to achieve single-photon detection and counting with picosecond timing resolution?

In this webinar presented by Félix Bussières, VP Research & Technology at ID Quantique, you will learn how to use and boost your application with single-photon detection, for instance to perform QKD over hundreds of kilometers of optical fiber, to scale up photonic entanglement generation, to perform high-resolution fluorescence measurement and more.

A review of ID Quantique single-photon detection and timing systems will be presented, from the ID Qube based on avalanche photodiode operated in Geiger mode, to high-performance ID281 superconducting nanowires, both in combination with the ID900 picosecond timing electronics

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Webinar 2: Defining Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector (SNSPD) performance

Date: April 30 2020, 4pm CEST

Interested to learn more about SNSPD performance and detector selection criteria based on specific application requirements?

This webinar will focus on the presentation of ID Quantique ID281 superconducting nanowire single-photon detection (SNSPD) system and solutions. Félix Bussières, VP Research & Technology at ID Quantique, will present the main features of ID Quantique’s closed-cyle cryogenic systems and detectors.

He will explain how ID Quantique thoroughly characterizes its detectors and why this is important for your science and to enhance your experimental results, as well as how can the technology be tailored to achieve specific performance criteria in relation with your application needs.

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