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How to: Quantum Optics and correlation function measurements

In this workshop, Martin Felle, from ID Quantique looks at the second- and third-order correlation functions of Quantum Optics, and how to measure them. Whether characterizing purity of your photonic number states for QKD, implementing Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry for quantum imaging, carrying out photonic Bell state measurements in a quantum relay, correlation function measurements are a crucial addition to your quantum information toolbox.

This workshop is aimed towards Quantum Optics, Quantum Computing and Microscopy researchers.

Interested in Quantum Optics? Watch now!


Martin FelleDr Martin Felle

Product Manager, Quantum Sensing

Martin is a technology professional with diverse expertise in Quantum Technology, information security and business consulting. Beginning his career as a PhD researcher with the Toshiba Research Labs at the University of Cambridge, working on applications for cutting-edge quantum communication technologies, he went on to work as a cyber risk consultant with Deloitte Switzerland, delivering impactful information security projects for NGOs, FSIs, and manufacturing firms.

In May 2021, Martin joined the growing ID Quantique family. Today, he serves as a Product Manager in IDQ’s QSensing division, presenting their Quantum Sensing products to the global quantum community.

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