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Quantum Technology is Here, There and Everywhere

Quantum technology is beginning to come into its own.

In a recent technology quarterly article, The Economist writes “After decades as laboratory curiosities, some of quantum physics’ oddest effects are beginning to be put to use”.

The Economist takes a detailed look at the state of quantum technology and reflects on how, like computerization before it, quantum has the power to unlock a world of possibilities.

As it explores the “weird and wonderful” world of quantum, The Economist notes that the technology has moved beyond theoretical laboratory work and into the real world of engineering. It highlights innovations in quantum metrology, quantum communications, quantum computing and software application.

ID Quantique is featured within the quantum cryptography space “ID Quantique has installed quantum links between centres of KPN, a Dutch telecoms firm and of Battelle, an American non-profit research firm. It offers links between financial institutions in Geneva and a disaster-recovery centre 50km away.”

Bringing the story full circle, The Economist concludes “Quantum computers and simulators should eventually be capable of solving some of science’s most basic and yet most daunting questions. Sensors of unparalleled precision may at last make it possible to test the predictions of physicists’ most abstract ideas, perhaps linking the theories of quantum mechanics and gravity.”


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