Introducing the ID Qube ULN (Ultra-Low Noise) in the ID Qube Series: a compact, cost effective and powerful InGaAs/InP SPAD for operations from NIR to Telecom wavelengths.
Palo Alto Networks launches a scalable QRNG Open API framework, offering inter-vendor operability and helping to break down barriers to adoption of quantum technologies.
ID Quantique today announced that its high-performance Clavis XG series, has become the first product of its class globally to receive an official national security approval from South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS).
ID Quantique and Elmos have a signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), strengthening their established strategic collaboration to develop the world’s smallest monolithically integrated Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG) solution.
The Single Photon Workshop (SPW) is the largest conference in the world dedicated to single-photon generation, single-photon detection, single-photon metrology and single-photon applications. This year’s 11th edition in Edinburgh brought together the vibrant community of researchers and...
This year at the Single-Photon Workshop (SPW) in Edinburgh UK, IDQ had the honour of having a talk given by Lorenzo Stasi. Lorenzo presented work that he did during his PhD, done in close collaboration with Giovanni Resta (IDQ) and the Towsif Taher (University of Geneva). Lorenzo started his...
With national security authorities and experts underlining the immediate risk from “Harvest Now, Decrypt later” (HNDL) attacks, the financial sector must begin mitigating the associated security risks to financial assets. Major institutions like JPMorgan Chase are already leading the way with a...
NIST recently released an Initial Public Draft, entitled: “Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography Standards”, a must-read for all cybersecurity professionals.
Singtel today announced that it will be enhancing its suite of quantum-safe offerings to help enterprises fortify their defenses against cyber threats and scale more securely in the quantum age.
At IDQ, we are always thrilled to see new research enabled by the very best single-photon detection technology, i.e. superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs). Recently, two groups published exciting results using free-space optical links for quantum communication with IDQ’s SNSPD...
ID Quantique (IDQ) is proud to announce it is partnering with ORCA Computing, a leader in quantum computing, to incorporate IDQ’s breakthrough single-photon detection technology in ORCA’s newest PT-2 photonic quantum computing system.