Provides the highest level of trust to enterprise, government, and telco production environments.
Standard key transmission rate and medium range interconnection
High key transmission rate or extended range interconnection
ID Quantique’s QKD framework integrates current Software-Defined Network (SDN) QKD ETSI standards as well as an IDQ Quantum Management System (QMS) to facilitate management and monitoring of all large QKD deployments. It ensures a seamless integration in existing infrastructure.
Quantum Key Distribution makes data safe now and in the future.
Read our eBook to learn how QKD provides the highest level of trust, Once and for all.
From the world’s first commercial application of QKD in 2007… To nation-wide and continental deployments today.
Based on 15 years of commercial deployment and customer feedback, the XG Series is ID Quantique’s 4th generation of QKD.
The XG Series is available now. Get in touch with our team to find out what it can do for you today.
Upgrade your existing encryption solution with Quantum-Safe Security