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Clarion KX Platform

Quantum Key Exchange platform for end-to-end Post Quantum Security

Clarion KX is a comprehensive cybersecurity solution which effortlessly ensures telecommunication networks are resistant to quantum computer attacks. Assuring long-term confidentiality of your data against “harvest now, decrypt later” cyber attacks has been our mission.

Purpose-built for large-scale quantum-safe key distribution, Clarion KX delivers the highest end-to-end security for data in transit.

Already field-proven in nationwide deployments, Clarion KX platform intelligently leverages both algorithm-based encryption and quantum physics-based communication security to ensure a highly secure out of band key exchange anywhere on the network. It tightly integrates with the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) infrastructure to leverage long term security of key generation and encryption. It also leverages the highest available NIST-approved source of randomness, Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG), together with hybrid cryptography to ensure maximum level of security.

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Quantum-safe cryptographic migration

Cryptographic migrations are complex and costly endeavors. Organizations can now leverage multiple cryptographic technologies to both lower the migration risks and costs, as well as to mitigate the long-term risk to their data posed by the rapidly emerging quantum threat.

Clarion KX enables a new ecosystem of quantum-safe connectivity and services to perfectly fit the needs of its customers.

Clarion KX software platform extends QKD networks beyond point-to-point: it acts as the glue of the QKD network and ensures long-distance reach of the quantum keys through the QKD network and beyond.

It orchestrates the key distribution in real time across complex network topologies, ensuring secure key delivery to encryption appliances regardless of their locations on the network.

Clarion KX supplies keys over industry standard interfaces to encryptors on any OSI layer whether that being optical, MACSec or IPSec based VPN.

Read more about Q-KMS technology

Clarion KX network

Benefits of Clarion KX

One united platform to manage hybrid cryptography on the network

  • Multiple security mechanisms can be used for hybridization
  • Pre-shared Secret Key exchange enables key hybridization and authentication
  • Optional combination of key exchange methods or protocols between Q-KMS nodes can be used to achieve compliance with national regulations
  • When QKD isn’t available, Clarion KX can extend the key exchange to the last mile to ensure end-to-end security

Easy integration

  • Extensive support for monitoring and management interfaces for data center and telecom
  • Easy to control & orchestrate via Q-SDN / NOC integration
  • Manageable via standard communication network technologies, such as Software Defined Networking (SDN)


Seamless interoperability

  • Support for an extensive list of layers 1 to 3 network encryptor solutions over existing industry interfaces such as ETSI-014, Cisco (SKIP) and Nokia
  • Support for other key management solutions via ETSI 020 draft
  • Fully QKD vendor agnostic via ETSI 014, enabling customers to leverage hybrid QKD networks, including CV-QKD, DV-QKD or Entanglement-based QKD.

Enables telecom operators to launch new Quantum-Safe as a Service offerings

Clarion KX enables new Quantum-Key as a Service (IaaS) as well as Quantum-Safe bandwidth as a Service (PaaS) offerings that our telecom partners can easily extend to their B-to-B customers.

These telecom bundles allow for an enterprise organization to benefit from the best-in-class quantum-safe network security without any capital expenditures, time investment, and overwhelming complexity of the migration.

ID Quantique’s Clarion Key Exchange Service Ecosystem


ID Quantique has developed an extensive Key Exchange Service to facilitate large-scale QKD deployments. This solution has been proof tested and is used today in the largest QKD network outside China.

With IDQ’s Clarion KX ecosystem, QKD security – hence forward security – is always at the center of the solution to guarantee the highest level of data protection for governments, enterprise companies and people. It is continuously evolving with the aim of helping you achieving end-to-end Post Quantum security.

All Clarion KX products provide the following features:

  • Support small, medium and large network deployments
  • Cost-efficient scaling capability
  • Comprehensive list of supported key consumers
  • Easy SDN/NOC integration
  • Open standard interfaces
  • Platform-as-a-Service ready

Cerberis XG / Clavis XG

IDQ QKD systems and Clarion KX software all-in-one. Included in all IDQ’s XG Series of QKD systems.

Use cases
Small and large network infrastructures focusing on simplicity of integration and management of the QKD technology.

Supports all features offered by Clarion KX ecosystem, plus:

  • Ensure optimized rack footprint
  • Reduced power consumption
  • Enhanced KMS-QKD integration for higher performance
  • Security as everything is in the box
  • Leverage IDQ’s QRNG for key generation
  • Small footprint (1U)
  • Interoperable with all other Clarion KX products

Solteris Network Appliance

Standalone KMS appliance with embedded IDQ QRNG running Clarion KX software suite.

Use cases
Quantum-safe networks requiring increased redundancy, multi-QKD vendor support, or if a separate hardware for Q-KMS is required.

Supports all features offered by Clarion KX ecosystem, plus:

  • Multi-QKD vendor support
  • Higher assurance in your infrastructure through diversity of security setup
  • Leverage IDQ’s QRNG for key generation
  • Small footprint (1U)
  • Interoperable with all other Clarion KX products

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Clarion KX Service and Software Security

The Q-KMS and Software layer above the QKD system plays a critical role in maintaining a coherent security ecosystem to guarantee end-to-end Post Quantum security. Therefore, IDQ products focus on addressing all the following aspects:



Management of critical assets


Management and monitoring channels


User management and authentication


System life cycle


Agile and certified cryptographic modules


All the features listed above depend on secure operations, which means the use of cryptographic modules needs to be certified (for international or domestic needs). And, when not relying on QKD technology, it needs the capacity to be updated regularly to follow the new patch or developments in the field of cryptography.

How to buy?

Clarion KX platform comes with flexible and transparent commercial subscription models and levels that fit the needs of various use cases, industry segments, and sizes of deployments. Non-commercial and Academia users benefit from a special tier of pricing.

Clarion KX platform is included in all IDQ’s XG Series of QKD systems. For QKD agnostic deployments, it can be provided in standalone Solteris KX hardware system.

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